The secret of a successful life

 The secret of a successful life

Love for two things is necessary for success, one is the destination and the other is the leader who takes you to the destination i.e. the teacher. Salutations to the skill of all the artisans of the world, but that artisan is great who creates more artisans who keep the art and skill alive. Such a craftsman is called a teacher. A teacher is a stone placed in the foundation, on which a building stands. We are impressed when we see the dome, but we do not see the foundation stone. The purer is the love for the destination and the one who leads to the destination, the more perfect is the success. Hazrat Ali said, "Whoever tells me even a letter, I give him the status of a teacher."

Once Harun Al-Rashid invited a blind scholar and started washing his hands himself. Meanwhile, he asked the scholar, "Do you know who is pouring water on your hands?" The scholar replied in the negative. On this, Haroon Al-Rashid replied that I have performed this service myself, but the religious scholar did not express any gratitude after hearing this, he replied, "Yes, you have done this out of respect for knowledge." Harun al-Rashid replied, "Indeed this is the case."

Harun al-Rashid entrusted his son Mamun to Imam Asma'i to teach him knowledge and literature. One day he happened to go to him and saw that he was washing his feet and the prince was pouring water on his feet. Harun al-Rashid said angrily, "I sent him to you because you will teach him manners." Why didn't you order the prince to pour water with one hand and wash your feet with the other?'

Teachers are a priceless gift, without which a person's personality is incomplete. Allah Ta'ala described the Holy Prophet as a teacher in the Holy Qur'an and the Prophet himself also said that "I have been sent as a teacher."

On the greatness and importance of the teacher and his role in the society, Allama Dr. Muhammad Iqbal says, "Teachers are actually the protectors of the nation, because it is up to them to groom the future generations and make them capable of serving the country." A teacher just tells about things, while a good teacher explains it and the best teacher shows by doing.

If we examine the majority of today's teachers, we will clearly see the dominance of materialism. Undoubtedly, in the modern era, materialism has entered every society and sector, but for some sectors and their managers, the term materialism does not have any importance. A teacher is that part of the society where moral values flourish. Today, the entire neighborhood trembles with the arrival of a policeman. The terror of the magistrate makes one tremble. But the teachers whose hard work, efforts and compassion have made their students hold high positions are unable to appreciate their students.
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